Welcome to the official website of Soumatera Law Review (SOUMLAW). SOUMLAW is a peer-review journal published by Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Region X (West Sumatera, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands). Indonesia. Covering two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English, SOUMLAW is published two times a year, in April dan Oktober. This website provides immediate open access to the journal’s contents on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The word that first mentioned the name Soumatra came from the title of a Sriwijaya king Haji Sumatrabhumi ("Raja tanah Soumatra"), based on Chinese news he sent an envoy to China in 1017.
SOUMLAW is primarily aimed to facilitate the legal scholars, researchers or practitioners in publishing their original or reviewed articles as well as to support the enactment of in-depth discussions on the related issues. It is also purposed to become a source of reference for those are involved in legal field.
SOUMLAW covers any topics related to Indonesian laws and legal system, spanning from the private and public law and covering various legal approaches, such as the comparative law, sociology of law, legal history and many others. Other contemporary legal studies, such as commercial and business law, medical law, law and technology, natural resources law and Islamic law are also covered. Hence, any contributions from legal scholars and practitioners are appreciatively welcomed.
The accepted and reviewed articles will be published in this website (online) for an early view. The printed version will be issued by the end of the publishing period.
ISSN Online: 2620-5904
Indexing by
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): SOUMLAW
Table of Contents
Hadi Purnomo,
Andre Yosua M |
Putri Kumala Bintang
Otih Handayani,
Rabiah Al Adawiah, Adi Sulistiyono, Achmad Jumeri Pamungkas |
Sukimin Sukimin
Eko Afrianto,
Yaswirman Yaswirman, Neneng Oktarina |
Maya Yulita
Muhammad Fajri Syafrizka
Rusmilawati Windari,
Azmi Syahputra |
Yasmirah Mandasari Saragih,
Dudung Abdul Azis |