Perlindungan Data Elektronik Dalam Formulasi Kebijakan Kriminal Di Era Globalisasi

Yasmirah Mandasari Saragih(1*), Dudung Abdul Azis(2)

(1) Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
(2) Universitas Bung Karno
(*) Corresponding Author


The development of information and communication technology has changed the behavior of society globally (cultural transformation) and caused the world to be without limits and social changes that are so rapidly progressing. The rate of development of information technology and a communication is one of the criteria that must be met for the progress of the nation. Cybercrime is one of the new forms or dimensions of today's crimes gaining widespread attention internationally. Utilization of computer technology continues to evolve has led to the process of convergence between information technology, media and communications to ultimately produce a new tool known as the Internet, as well as the beginning of the birth of civilization in cyberspace. Data is a form of jama from datum, derived from Latin meaning "given something". At present, information is a very decisive medium for the economic development of a country both developing and developed countries. Information about individuals is always administered by government and private, but the advent of the computer age creates a greater threat to the privacy of the individual, as well as the likelihood of individuals suffering losses as a result of inattention or leakage of information will be much greater. It should be noted, however, that in the cybercrime world, the majority of illegal access to computer systems or networks is used as a first step towards actions that lead to other forms of cybercrime. In this paper the author discusses about how electronic data protection as a cybercrime in the era of globalization today and how the criminal policy formulation review in an effort to protect electronic data. Although cybercrime or cybercrime generally refers to criminal activity with computers or computer networks as its primary element, it is also used for traditional criminal activities where computers or computer networks are used to facilitate or enable such crimes to occur.


Electronic Data, Formulation, Criminal Policy.

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