Imroatus Sholiha(1*), Sukarno Sukarno(2), Sukatman Sukatman(3)

(1) Program Pascasarjana Linguistik Universitas Jember
(2) Program Pascasarjana Linguistik Universitas Jember
(3) Program Pascasarjana Linguistik Universitas Jember
(*) Corresponding Author


Al-Qur'an is the “Kalam Allah†that contains instructions to educate mankind to be the pious people by running off Allah commandment and avoiding all of the prohibitions. The purpose of this research was to uncover types and functions of directive speech acts that was found in Surah Al-Alaq as one of the Surah in Qur'an. The research data were in the form of verses containing the elements of directive speech acts that was collected from Surah Al-Alaq (96). The collected data were classified based on types of directive speech acts then analyzed with a content analysis approach to uncover various functions contained in each type of the speech acts. The results of this study showed that there are two types of directive speech acts: command and prohibition, both of which are delivered directly or indirectly. Accordingly, there are four kinds of directive speech acts, namely: (1) the direct command speech act; (2) the indirect command speech act; (3) the direct prohibition speech act; and (4) the indirect prohibition speech act. Furthermore, this study revealed that both the command and prohibition speech acts are contained of five functions, namely: commanding, requiring, forcing, prohibiting, and threatening. In general, all directive speech acts are found in Surah Al-Alaq contained God's intention of educating mankind to seek knowledge that is beneficial for their life in order to be closer to Allah by carrying out all the commands and avoiding every prohibitions as for to be safe in the world and the here after.


directive speech acts, direct and indirect orders, direct and indirect prohibitions

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