Directive Speech Act Used By Female Mediator Judges In Divorce Mediation At Religious Court Of Class 1A Padang

Kamalia Muslim(1*)

(1) Universitas Andalas
(*) Corresponding Author


Female mediator judges reunite the hearts of married couples through questions, commands, prohibitions, and advice in divorce mediation, because directive speech act used by female mediator judges can influence the actions and thoughts of married couples in making decisions. This research aims to describe the types of directive speech act used by female mediator judges in mediation at Religious Court of Class 1A Padang.  The theory used in this research is the theory of directive speech act types and functions by (Green, Bach, & Harnish, 1983). This research uses a qualitative approach because it generates descriptive data in the form of written or oral words. The data in this research are utterances by female mediator judges in mediation at Religious Court of Class 1A Padang. The data are collected by using observational method with recording and note taking techniques. The data are analyzed by using referential identify and pragmatic identity method. Based on the results of data analysis, female mediator judges in speaking tend to use directive speech act of question, requestive, requirement, advice and prohibitive.


Directive Speech Act; Female Mediator Judges; Divorce Mediation

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