Edwar Kemal(1), Wahyudi Rahmat(2*), Muthia Damayanti(3)

(1) University Malaysia Kelantan
(2) Univerity Malaysia Kelantan
(3) Politeknik Negeri Padang
(*) Corresponding Author


Since the Corona Virus has been detected in Wuhan, China on the last week of December 2019, the system of teaching and learning changes directly from face to face interaction become online interaction. This online interaction is not only creating positive impact such as stopping the virus distribution but it also gives many serious problems, which is one of the is language problem. Teachers and parents must provide their time to communicate through online social media about the children task during their working hours. This research was a phenomenology research using non participation observation technique where the data were analyzed by using pragmatics identity method. Data were collected from the conversation of teacher and parent published on social media such as Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter discussing about the student’s task. The research shows that the parents use their language expressively to show their opinion or information about their children ’assignment whether in the form of anger, bad mood and impolite words. Although the school party could understand the parent’s condition but the teacher must send the assignments and parent should get involved in order to make a running teaching and learning.


Pronunciation, Communication, Youtube, Pronunciation Channel

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Further reading

Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penaganan Covid-19 (Online) “Sebaran†available at: (accessed, May 15, 2020).

World Health Organization (Online) Availeble at: (accessed, May 15, 2020).


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