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Paula Guillory

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Bio Statement This really is nicola hill nicola why are scientists taking a look at vitamin d in terms of Covid 19 well that's because there's been various retrospective studies which have shown that individuals who are very deficient in vitamin D have died of Kovach 19 now as you said Rachel it's the sunshine vitamin because we have it from sunlight and then activates on our skin and we know that it gives bone health we all know that it improves our mood but there's already been plenty of research looking to see if it could protect us against respiratory infections such as cold and flu and professor Adrienne Montano who's from Queen Mary University here in the UK he has been doing lots of research on this previously he within 2017 like that if you had low degrees of vitamin D and you took supplements your chances of having these respiratory infections were reduced by as much as 40% and if you had normal quantities of vitamin D it would still protect one to about 15% so as a result of this he has started a major study it's called Providence UK. He's recruiting 12,000 people it's an on line study people simply need to google it find it and then just let let them understand how often are likely to discern what they're eating on whatever to test and see what their levels of vitamin D are he at this time has about 8,000 people and he needs more particularly folks from black Asian minority ethnic backgrounds because they generally have lower quantities of vitamin D anyway that is due to the melanin within their skin which protects them against skin cancer but stops the total amount of vitamin D entering the body and obviously we do know that individuals from these backgrounds do seem to be doing worse with Kovach 19 both in contracting it and also then dying as a result now there's a lot of elements which can be being investigated but it's thought that vitamin D may well play a part of this which explains why he launched this major study he also wants to truly have a proper randomized clinical trial he's sent applications for funding he was telling me today in the hopes that they can definitively find out the advantage of vitamin D and whether we should be taking higher doses in future. Yes or should most of us start taking supplements we ought to do anyway apparently he was telling me certainly in the UK it's the one supplement that public health England recommends here it's a 400 international units I to use they're called in America it's 600 or around 800 if you should be of an L if you're older and that's one of the things in addition to if you're older you've a weakened immune protection system you have lower levels of vitamin G and this is what vitamin D actually does do it's known to help boost the immunity system that's why they think the individuals who have had these cytokines storms people who've died of it the defense mechanisms is not working properly and that's why the vitamin D can now have good results it's among the things that's being investigated now we could get it from food you can have it from oily fish soup and own it from shiitake mushrooms or from eggs nevertheless the professor said this morning that that's not enough and that's why you realize taking supplements is recommended now I did so ask him is this 1 of the reasons why people in the southern hemisphere have lower levels and he said that's something they need to investigate interesting Nicola Hill thank you. my homepage: best vitamin d pills uk