Wazuriawati Wazuriawati(1), Ibnu Harris(2*)

(1) Universitas Universal
(2) Universitas Universal
(*) Corresponding Author


This research was conducted to test and analyze the influence of market orientation on customer advocacy in choosing Maitreyawira Batam senior high school. This study presents three dimensions of market orientation as an independent variables (competitor oriented behavior, customer oriented behavior, interfunctional coordination behavior) and one dependent variable (customer advocacy). The population in this study were all parents/guardians of student active in the 2018/2019 academic year at Maitreyawira Batam senior high school. Respondents in this study were 151 samples from parents/guardians of class XII students in Maitreyawira Batam senior high school 2018/2019 academic year. They are suitable to be used as primary data sources because they have interacted longer and more familiar with school. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The method of data collection is by distributing questionnaires to parents/guardians of students of class XII of Maitreyawira Batam senior high school. The analysis technique is used multiple regression analysis. The results of the study prove that the results of the F test conducted simultaneously show that the independent variable in the form of customer oriented behavior, competitor oriented behavior, and interfunctional coordination behavior can explain the level of customer advocacy at Maitreyawira Batam senior high school. The results of the partial hypothesis test show that only competitor oriented behavior has a significant effect on customer advocacy because the significance is less than 5%, while the customer oriented behavior variable and interfunctional coordinator behavior have no significant effect on customer advocacy.


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh antara orientasi pasar terhadap advokasi pelanggan dalam memilih SMA Maitreyawira Batam. Aspek dalam orientasi pasar terdiri dari tiga dimensi yaitu Competitior Oriented Behaviour, Customer Oriented Behaviour, Interfunctional Coordination Behaviour. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua/wali murid kelas XII di SMA Maitreyawira Batam tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sejumlah 151 orang tua/wali. Metode pengumpulan data adalah dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada orang tua/wali murid kelas XII SMA Maitreyawira Batam. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa hasil  dari uji F yang dilakukan secara simultan menunjukkan variabel independen berupa Customer Oriented Behaviour, Competitior Oriented Behaviour, dan Interfunctional Coordination Behaviour mampu menjelaskan tingkat advoksi pelanggan SMA Maitreyawira Batam. Hasil uji hipotesis secara parsial menunjukkan hanya Competitior Oriented Behaviour berpengaruh signifikan terhadap advokasi pelanggan karena signifikansi kurang dari 5%, sedangkan variabel Customer Oriented Behaviour dan Interfunctional Coordination Behaviour tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap advokasi pelanggan.


competitior oriented behaviour customer; customer advocacy; interfunctional coordination behavior; market orientation; oriented behavior

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