Tanggung Jawab Negara Hukum Demokrasi dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Kesehatan

Andros Timon(1*)

(1) Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Andalas
(*) Corresponding Author


Increasing the number of population results in higher pressure on the environment. This is caused by the activities of residents who have direct or indirect impacts on the environment such as solid waste or liquid waste. This gives consequences to the environmental health of the community which in turn will also have an impact on the health of the community itself. The research method in this article is normative legal research. Health is a public service that is absolute and is closely related to public welfare. For all services that are absolute, the state and its apparatus are obliged to provide quality services that are easily available at all times. Services in the health sector are one of the services most needed by the community. Health services is a step to improve the welfare of the community and this is very important in order to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR). One of the efforts to improve health in the community can be done by providing health care facilities that are equitable and in accordance with the wishes of the people served. Fulfillment of the right to health for the community is carried out with comprehensive and sustainable health development efforts. The development of public health is very closely related to the availability of health supporting facilities and infrastructure itself.


State, Welfare, Health.

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