Tanggungjawab Hukum Apoteker dalam Pemusnahan Obat Narkotika di Rumah Sakit

Wahyudi Wahyudi(1*)

(1) Politekeknik Piksi Ganesha
(*) Corresponding Author


The availability of health service facilities is a constitutional mandate that must be provided by the state. The peoples need for affordable and quality pharmaceutical preparations is a basic requirement in the context of protecting peoples and patients safety using pharmaceutical preparations in hospitals. One of guarantee from the hospital with the availability of pharmacy is quality pharmacists and quality pharmaceutical preparations and safe medicine. Pharmaceutical preparations in the form of narcotic drugs have properties that can change if the storage or temperature does not comply with the provisions other than that the effective period of the drug has been determined by the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacists have an obligation to be thorough and careful to drug narcotics damaged or expired before being handed over to patients. This research is a normative legal research using normative juridical methods or library law research. The results of this study conclude that the pharmacist responsible for the pharmaceutical installation of the hospital is responsible for destroying narcotic drugs that have been damaged or expired for solid drugs by means of removing the contents, then incinerating them, and for liquid drugs being removed first, then the contents are diluted or mixed with water and then discarded. at a special place witnessed by representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, the Health Service of the local Drug and Food Control Agency with the hospital. If the responsible pharmacist fails to destroy the pharmaceutical preparations, especially narcotics drug that are damaged or expired, then the legal liability can be held, namely the pharmacist in charge and the hospital.

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