Penyelesaian Sengketa Pertanahan Oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Padang

Muhammad Fajri Syafrizka(1*)

(1) andalas university
(*) Corresponding Author


The settlement of land disputes carried out by BPN Kota Padang is carried out based on the authority given by the Minister of Agrarian Regulation Number 11 of 2016 through exposure and mediation stages, after a meeting between the two parties is carried out based on the land title certificate, which is in the certificate. There is information in the form of a description of the area of land that is the object of the dispute, then after obtaining the measurement results it can be seen whether the current land is in accordance with the one in the certificate, if it is appropriate, then the problem is resolved that the land does not have a boundary dispute, if not. according to the conduct of mediation in the form of procedures for restoring the insufficient boundaries between the parties, until there is a meeting point or agreement. Because the legal product of land dispute or conflict resolution is the cancellation of land rights or cancellation of certificates, which is a beschikking. The absence can be from either party or both parties who are reluctant to attend the mediation program that has been determined by the Padang City National Land Agency as the mediator, thus hampering the mediation process because in the mediation process the two parties in dispute must be present, and The lack of knowledge of BPN Kota Padang about the origin and history of ulayat land (pusako), because the history of land in Padang City is derived from ulayat land (pusako), the tendency of the community to solve problems through the land office is minimal.


Settlement, Land Disputes, National Land Agency.

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