Alhamidi Alhamidi(1*), Arif Budiman(2), Eka Iswandy(3), Rini Asmara(4)

(1) Institut Teknologi Batam
(2) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Payakumbuh
(3) STMIK Jayanusa
(4) AMIK Jayanusa
(*) Corresponding Author


In recording food and beverage transactions, Pizza Ala Piazza has not separated general transactions from online ordering transactions, so it is difficult to create reports. So the research conducted at Pizza Ala Piazza aims to be able to provide clear information about the Transaction process data and ensure the smooth running of reports that can support work activities at Pizza Ala Piazza. In conducting research, a development method is used with a system or waterfall life cycle development model in order to produce a food ordering information system at Pizza Ala Piazza. So it can be concluded that with this web-based food ordering information system, it can produce sophisticated technology, it is easy to prepare reports that are faster and more accurate, data storage is more accurate, data storage is a lot and produces information that is more accurate, relevant and easy to retrieve. decision.


Information Systems, Orders, Transactions, Web

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Copyright (c) 2020 Alhamidi Alhamidi, Arif Budiman, Eka Iswandy, Rini Asmara

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