Analisis Metode ELECTRE Pada Pemilihan Produk Minyak Goreng Kemasan Terbaik Berdasarkan Konsumen

Dewinta Marthadinata Sinaga(1), Rusdina R(2), Rina Alfah(3), Agus Perdana Windarto(4*), Anjar Wanto(5)

(1) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(2) Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad AlBanjari
(3) Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad AlBanjari
(4) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(5) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


The community generally has a dependence on the use of cooking oil as a human need, especially for housewives in processing food as a savory enhancer and increasing caloric value in food ingredients. Along with the times, cooking oil circulating in the community has brands that are packaged in different forms such as plastic bottle packaging, jerry cans and refills. This study aims to recommend the selection of packaged cooking oil products based on consumer choice. The data source of the study was conducted by conducting interviews and questionnaires on 175 random consumers in Pematangsiantar. Respondents consisted of housewives (80%) and the general public (20%). The method used in this study is a decision support system with the Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realite (ELECTRE) algorithm. Based on the results of the study using 5 criteria: Price (C1), Material Content (C2), Availability of Goods (C3), Packaging (C4), Promotion (C5) and 4 alternatives: Fortune (A1), Sania (A2), Sunco ( A3) and Bimoli (A4) obtained by Fortune (A1) as the best packaged cooking oil based on consumers. It is expected that the research results can provide information to consumers in recommending packaged cooking oil products.


DSS; Cooking Oil; ELECTRE; Consumers; Pematangsiantar

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