Temmy Thamrin(1), Maulid Hariri Gani(2*)

(1) Universitas Bung Hatta
(*) Corresponding Author


The idea of phatic communion was introduced by Malinowski where the phrase is refered to the language used to unite the union with other members of the community. As Minangkabau community is well known for their Phatic Communication ‘Baso-Basi’. This research was conducted to describe the cultural value of phatic communication of Minangkabau society in the form, the function, and the factors that affected on the use of phatic cmmunicatin. This research is descriptive qualitative research which used the socio-pragmatics approach. The respondents were chosen among native Minangkabau community. The result shows that Phatic communion occurs for in formal or informal situation and the relationship between the participants can be intimate or distant. It can be found in both higher and lower status. The function of phatic communication is to establish and maintain social relationship between people in society. The influenced factors of the use of phatic communication are: (1) Differences in situation; (2) Difference in relatives; (3) Differences in age, (4) Differences in position, (5) Differences in social status, (6) Gender differences, (7) Marital status, (8) Relationship intimacy,  and (9) The purpose of conversation.


Phatic Communication; Baso-Basi; Minangkabau Society.

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E ISSN : 2502-0706

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