Dipa Nugraha(1*)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This article is a study of Hemingway’s masterpiece novella, The Old Man and the Sea (1952), in the view of Jean-Paul Sartre’s theories of existentialism and literature. Sartrean theories of existentialism and literature focus on the three roles of a writer as suggested by previous research done by Alistair Braidwood (2011). The study is qualitative research with hermeneutic reading. The data is in the form of relevant phrases or sentences from the novella. The analysis aims to disclose how Hemingway situates men through the main character of his novella, Santiago, to deliver his message to his readers regarding the existence of men. The finding of this study is that Hemingway is an engaged writer whilst also a political and moral writer in delivering an imaginary depiction of a man representing the existentialism situation of all men on being with others through continuous struggles of winning and losing.


Sartrean Existentialism; Existentialism Theory Of Literature; Engaged Writer; Political Writer; Moral Writer

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