Tienn Immerry(1*), Femmy Dahlan(2)

(1) Universitas Bung Hatta
(2) Universitas Bung Hatta
(*) Corresponding Author


Folklore (folktale) expresses the culture shared by a particular community. Comparing different folktales from different countries means viewing literature and culture comprehensively.The purpose of this study is to reveal the local wisdom about man and nature from three different countries by taking advantage of local and foreign folktales as teaching media for literature and culture. The three folktales used are from Japan, Indonesia, and America.The four functions of folklore offered by Bascom are chosen as one of the approaches used to analyze the three folklores from three different countries. Hereinafter, the exploration of local wisdom of each country is carried out to find the uniqueness and richness of culture.The results of the research reveal the Japanesse local wisdom in Tanabata San no Hanashi are hard working and discipline. Meanwhile, the local wisdom of Indonesian (Minangkabau people) in Kaba Malin Deman are leaving home town (merantau); treat  guest well; stay with another family; one good deed deserves another (moral obligation); bathing as diversion. The local wisdom of the American (Indian/Caddo people) in Buffalo Woman, a Story of Magic fulfilled three of the Ten Indian Commandmen, they are Remain close to the Great Spirit, Treat the earth and all that dwell there on with respect, and Take full responsibility for your actions. In conclusion, the functions of folklore have correlation with the local wisdom about man and nature. Man must respect the nature where he/she lives and responsible for the actions taken. The teaching of literature and culture cannot be separated from the local wisdom of a nation.


Man; Nature; Folklore; Teaching; Local Wisdom.

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E ISSN : 2502-0706

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