Anisa Nurjanah(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This qualitative descriptive research aims to describe the functions of the verbal reaction or speech utterances that was spoken by MA (Mpok Atiek). The verbal reactions or speech utterances are analyzed through the theory of  Searle (1996) which is applied to describe the functions of those verbal reactions. In collecting the data, this research used the non-participated observation method. Then, at the data analysis step, this research used qualitative research method with three steps of activity, they were data reduction, data analyzing, and make a conclusion/ verification. After that, every utterances or verbal reaction of MA when she had been in hyperekplexia were categorized into five functions of utterances. The results of data analysis were described based on the findings. The source of data in this research was taken from the videos of MA in Youtube and the data were the utterances or the verbal expression of MA when she had been in Hyperekplexia. Based on the data analysis, the reaction of verbal hyperekplexia of MA is dominated by utterances which have expressive function because they showed how the psychological condition of someone with hyperekplexia when they got shocked. Besides that, it was also found that some of them have assertive, directive, and commissive functions.


Hyperekplexia; Hyperekplexia’s Utterances; The Function of Hyperekplexia’s Utterances;

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