Impoliteness Commenting On Social Media Instagram: Politicopragmatic Study

Hari Kusmanto(1*), Christina Purbawati(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Acts of politeness in the language of computing revolution revolution 4.0 makes it easy to communicate. The problem is the use of language in communication on social media pay less attention to the politeness aspects of communication. Language studies in political discourse so far are still separate. This means that the assessment has not yet included the accompanying political context. Therefore it is important to do politopragmatic studies, namely the integration of linguistic and political studies. This study aims to describe the forms of immodesty commenting on Instagram account followers' coverage6. The data used in this study are comments from Instagram account followers6 reporting that violates the principle of politeness. The source of data in this study is the comments of Instagram account followers. The data collection in this study was carried out by the documentation method, and was able to observe competent free (SBLC) and proceed with the note taking technique. Analysis of the data in this study uses the extralingual method. The results of this study indicate the impoliteness of commenting on Instagram social media is realized by violating the maxim of praise, maxim of wisdom, and maxim of generosity. The most maxim violation is the maxim of praise. This shows that followers of Instagram account coverage6 use a lot of comments that are condemned, insulting, and cornering the speech partners and give little praise to the speech partners.


Immodesty; Social Media; Politicopragmatic

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