Irregularities Of The Ambiguous Elements In The Tatarucingan ‘Sundanese Riddle’ On The Sytactic Level

Aprilliati Rahmat(1*), Hera Meganova Lyra(2)

(1) Program Magister Linguistik Umum, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Padjadjaran
(2) Program Magister Linguistik Umum, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Padjadjaran
(*) Corresponding Author


This article describes the irregularities of the ambiguous elements in the tatarucingan 'Sundanese riddle' on the syntactic level. The problems studied include the irregularities of the ambiguous elements, clue 'instructions' that appear in the answer, syntactic elements as a medium for the irregular ambiguity, and comparative structure in the tatarucingan. The research method used is descriptive method by using the analogy of Young Ho's riddle theory (2002) and the theory of syntax element by Djajasudarma (2013). Through the theory of the riddle’s structure generated the irregularities of the ambiguous elements in syntactic level in the form of manipulation syllabe words in the phrase and clue 'instructions' in the answer of the riddle grouped into two, namely; 1) clue 'instructions' to the question is repeated in the answer to the rendering of the tatarucingan 'Sundanese riddle'; 2) the clue 'instructions' in the question is a fragmentary element of the answer to the 'Sundanese riddle’. Through the theory of Djajasudarma (2013), the syntactic elements used in this text is a combination of words that make up the phrase. The phrases contained in the answer of the 'Sundanese riddle' are noun phrases, apositive phrases, verb phrases, prepositional phrases, numerical phrases and adjective phrases.


Irregularities; Tatarucingan; Sundanese Riddle; Ambiguity; Syntax

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