Dewi Puspita Apsari(1), Ni Made Oka Dwicandra(2), Abdul Khodir Jaelani(3*)

(1) Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali
(2) Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali
(3) Akademi Kebidanan Indragiri
(*) Corresponding Author


Acute pharyngitis is one of the most common diseases in primary health care, Bali. However, the best management to control the number of antibiotics prescribing in acute pharyngitis is not known. This study aims to determine the best management to control antibiotics prescribing in adult who has acute pharyngitis. This prospective cohort study involved 93 patients aged 12-45 years who had been diagnosed with acute pharyngitis by a physician. Measurements were made on the number of drugs per prescription, frequency antibiotic, quantity antibiotic and DDD antibiotics. Centor Criteria and RADT can reduce the number of antibiotic prescriptions than empirical management in primary health care district X, Bali. Decrease occurred on the the number of drugs per prescription, frequency antibiotic, quantity antibiotic and DDD antibiotics. Management centor criteria and RADT are the best strategies to reduce antibiotic prescription in primary health care distict X, Bali. 


Antibiotic Prescribing Pattern, Acute Pharyngitis; Centor Criteria; Empirical; RADT

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Copyright (c) 2017 Dewi Puspita Apsari, Ni Made Oka Dwicandra, Abdul Khodir Jaelani

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