Evis Ritawani Hasibuan(1*)

(1) Akademi Kebidanan Helvetia Pekanbaru
(*) Corresponding Author


Folic acid an important role in pregnant women in the formation of red blood cells. According SDKI 2012 Demographic and Health Survey maternal mortality is high that consists of 359 per 100,000 in live births and consists of 31% maternal mortality caused by bleeding. One of program decreasing AKI withconsumes tablets Fe + folic acid that able to reduce anemia upto 65%. The results of the first survey in the Pratama Sarinah Clinic of 6 pregnant women, 5 of them with HB <10 g% did not take folic acid for reasons unknow the benefits of folic acid, and one mother said forget about it. The purpose this study to determine the relationship of knowledge with the attitude of pregnant mothers to take folic acid. The study was conducted in April 2016. The quantitative analytical research method with cross sectional design, the population has obtained of pregnant women who visited the period January-March 2016 that consists of 126 people, with a sample consists of 56 people. The results consists of the 56 respondents, consists of 34 (60.7%) respondents less knowledgeable and consists of 23 (74.2%) respondents to be negative in the consumption of folic acid. Based on the analysis obtained chi-square test p value of 0.043, which means p <α 0.05, there is any relationship between knowledge and attitude of pregnant mothers to take folic acid.


Folic Acid Consuming; The Knowledge; Attitude

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