Abdul Khodir Jaelani(1*), Findy Hindratni(2)

(1) Akademi Kebidanan Indragiri
(2) Akademi Kebidanan Indragiri
(*) Corresponding Author


Skrining resep merupakan salah satu bagian dari pelayanan farmasi klinik di Puskesmas, dengan melakukan skrining resep dapat menurunkan kesalahan pengobatan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran skrining resep di Puskesmas wilayah kota Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan crossectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara retrospektif (data resep obat bulan mei 2015) di Puskesmas kota Yogyakarta yaitu puskesmas Jetis, Margangsan dan Tegalrejo dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 960 resep. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi skrining resep  gambaran skrining resep di puskesmas kota Yogyakarta belum dilakukan secara menyeluruh, mayoritas skrining resep yang  belum dilakukan oleh petugas farmasi yaitu berat badan pasien (97,5%), pencantuman nama dokter, paraf dokter, surat ijin praktek dokter (46,4%), dan alergi obat (93,5%).

Screening recipe is one part of clinical pharmacy services at the health center, by screening a prescription can decrease keselahan treatment and improve patient safety. The purpose of this study to look at the picture of the recipe screening at the health center area of the city of Yogyakarta. This research is descriptive observational with cross sectional approach. Data collection was performed by means of a retrospective (drug prescription data in May 2015) in the city health center Jetis Yogyakata ie, Margangsan and Tegalrejo with a total sample of 960 prescriptions. Based on identification screening recipe recipe picture screening in the clinic of Yogyakarta city as a whole has not been conducted in stages, the majority of screening recipe has not been done by the pharmacist that the patient's weight (97.5%), the inclusion of the doctor's name, initials doctor, physician practice license (46 , 4%), and allergy medications (93.5%).



Screening Recipes; Health Center

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Copyright (c) 2017 Abdul Khodir Jaelani, Findy Hindratni

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