Riati Bakce(1*)

(1) STIE Persada Bunda
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aimed to analyze the income of independent palm oil farmers in the sub district of Kemuning; analyzing the factors that influence the production of independent palm oil in the sub districtkemuning and analyze the efficiency of production factor utilization in the independent palm oil plantation in the kemuning sub district.. Analysis of the data used in this study include revenue analysis, production analysis and efficiency of production factors utilization analysis in the independent oil palm plantation business. Independent palm oil farming in the district Kemuning contributed income for farmers.The dominant factors affecting the production of independent palm oil in the kemuning district are the number of plants and the number of workers.The number of plants affects the production of independent palm oil with a negative regression coefficient. This indicates that the increase in the number of plants will reduce production. The number of workers affects the production of independent palm oil with a positive regression coefficient.This indicates that the increase in the number of workers will increase production. Production factors which has reached the technically efficient condition are the plant age, the number of plants, the use of fertilizers, and workers. However none of the factors are efficient in price. Production factors that have been economically efficient is the number of plants, the use of fertilizer and workers.

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