Suhardi Suhardi(1*), Febryani Angelina Carolin(2)
(1) Universitas Putera Batam
(2) Universitas Putera Batam
(*) Corresponding Author
In the business world, there are various types of business activities of the company. With the many activities of the company, competition between companies is an unavoidable one. The company will always strive to be the best in a variety of ways. In order for companies to compete, companies must be able to grow customer loyalty. To get customer loyalty, companies need to improve their brand image and brand trust. The focus of this study was to find out the Brand Image (X1) and Brand Trust (X2) for Holcim's Customer Loyalty (Y) at PT. Kinco Prima Batam City, with a population of 214 customers, and sampling techniques using Slovin formula that is equal to 140 respondents. All samples come from active customers of PT. Kinco Prima in December 2017. Research shows that Brand Image has no significant effect on Holcim's Customer Loyalty cement at PT. Kinco Prima Batam City, Brand Trust has a significant effect on Holcim's Customer Loyalty cement at PT. Kinco Prima Batam City. and Brand Image and Brand Trust simultaneously influence Holcim's Customer Loyalty at PT. Kinco Prima Batam City.
Di dunia bisnis terdapat berbagai jenis kegiatan usaha perusahaan. Dengan banyaknya kegiatan perusahaan tersebut, persaingan antar perusahaan menjadi suatu yang tidak bisa dihindari. Perusahaan akan selalu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik dengan berbagai cara yang dilakukan. Agar perusahaan bisa bersaing, maka perusahaan harus dapat menumbuhkan customer loyalty. Untuk mendapatkan customer loyalty, perusahaan perlu meningkatkan brand image, dan brand trust. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Brand Image (X1) dan  Brand Trust (X2) terhadap Customer Loyalty  (Y) semen Holcim pada PT. Kinco Prima Kota Batam, dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak  214 pelanggan, dan teknik penambilan sampel dengan menggunakan rumus slovin yaitu sebesar 140 responden. Semua sampel berasal dari pelanggan aktif  PT. Kinco Prima pada bulan Desember 2017. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Brand Image berpengaruh tidak signifian terhadap Customer Loyalty semen Holcim pada PT. Kinco Prima Kota Batam, Brand Trust berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Customer Loyalty semen Holcim pada PT. Kinco Prima Kota Batam. dan Brand Image dan Brand Trust secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap Customer Loyalty semen Holcim pada PT. Kinco Prima Kota Batam
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