Alfatur Devaki(1*)

(1) Universitas Dharma Andalas
(*) Corresponding Author


During the period 2012-2015 found 46 companies listed in LQ 45 did not consistently pay dividends to shareholders. This is a problem because consitent or stable dividend payouts are very important for investors as an evaluation of owner’s equity. This study aims to determine factors which affect the companies inconsistency in dividend payouts by testing profitability factor which is measured by return on equity, leverage factor which is measured by debt to equity ratio, and liquidity factor which is measured by current ratio on companies listed in LQ 45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2015. The population of this research was all of companies listed in LQ 45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange, and the sampel consisted of thirty companies. The analysis was conducted by using multiple linear regression. The results indicated that simultaneously the return on equity, debt to equity ratio, and current ratio affected on dividend payout ratio. While partially the return on equity affected positively on dividend payout ratio, the debt to equity ratio affected negatively on dividend payout ratio, and current ratio did not affect on dividend payout ratio.

Selama periode 2012-2015 ditemukan 46 perusahaan yang terdaftar dalam Indeks LQ 45 tidak konsisten membayarkan dividen kepada pemegang saham. Hal ini menjadi masalah karena pembayaran dividen yang dilakukan secara konsisten atau stabil sangat penting bagi investor sebagai evaluasi terhadap ekuitas pemilik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi inkonsistensi perusahaan dalam pembayaran dividen yaitu dengan menguji faktor profitabilitas yang diukur dengan returnon equity, faktor leverage yang diukur dengan debt to equity ratio, dan faktor likuiditas yang diukur dengan current ratio pada perusahaan LQ 45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2012-2015. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan LQ 45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dan sampel terdiri dari 30 perusahaan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa return on equity, debt to equity ratio, dan current ratio berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap dividend payout ratio. Sedangkan secara parsial,return on equitydan debt to equity ratio berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio, namun current ratio tidak berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio


return on equity; debt to equity ratio; current ratio; dividend payout ratio

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